To determine the relationship of leptin with vitamin D and parathormone (PTH) levels in postmenopausal women who have no osteoporosis and to evaluate the effect of these three parameters on bone mineral dansity and bone homeostasis.
Sixty-eight postmenopausal patients with no osteoporosis, who attended the general internal medicine, geriatric and endocrinology outpatient clinics between November 2013 and June 2014, were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups according to vitamin D levels.
Group 1 consisted of 27 patients with low vitamin D levels and group 2 consisted of 41 patients with normal vitamin D levels. Two groups were similar in terms of age, age of menopause and body mass index (BMI). The mean PTH level and the mean leptin level in group 1 were statistically significantly higher than in group 2 (p= 0.01; p=0.01, respectively). There was no significant correlation between leptin and PTH in group 1 (r=0.16, p=0.4), however, a positive correlation was observed in group 2 (r=0.46, p=0.002). We found a significant positive correlation between leptin and BMI in both groups (r=0.40, p< 0.01). No significant correlation was found between leptin and vitamin D in both groups.
In our study, the high leptin levels in postmenapasaul women having low vitamin D levels without osteoporosis or obesity may suggest the role of leptin in the prevention of osteoporosis.