This study investigated the relationship of depressive symptoms, quality of life and medication adherence with the type of treatment and sociodemographic variables in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Five hundred thirty-two patients, 286 using oral anti-diabetic drug + insulin (OAD + INS) and 246 using OAD alone for T2DM treatment were included in the study. Data were obtained using information forms, HbA1c test results, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), EuroQol Five-Dimensional Questionnaire Three-level Version (EQ-5D-3L) quality of life scale, EuroQoL-visual analogue scale (EQ-VAS), and the eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). The data obtained were then subjected to statistical analysis.
Significantly higher PHQ-9 and lower EQ-index quality of life and EQ-VAS scores were determined in subjects using OAD + INS (p<0.001). OAD + INS users had lower treatment adherence scores (p=0.002). Quality of life increased with treatment adherence in the OAD group (r=0.184, p=0.002). A negative correlation was observed between PHQ-9 and MMAS-8 scores in both groups (r=-0.346 p=<0.001, and r=-0.185 p=0.004). A negative correlation was determined between MMAS-8 and HbA1c (r=-0.161, p=0.012) in the OAD + INS group.
Patients using OAD + INS had poorer treatment adherence, HbA1c levels, and depression and quality of life scores. We think that new research to improve treatment adherence, quality of life and depressive symptoms will be useful for T2DM patients, particularly for OAD + INS users.
Diabetes mellitus, depression, quality of life, medication adherence
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