It was aimed to determine the amount of wasted time and radiation exposure in intertrochanteric femur fracture surgeries for the use of C-arm fluoroscopy device during surgery.
Records of 62 patients sustaining femur intertrochanteric fracture who were treated with closed reduction and internal femoral fixation were evaluated. Total operative time, time wasted for the use of C-arm fluoroscopy device use, number of shots done, surgeon’s seniority, number of shots performed until the desired image was obtained, number of guide wire applications made before implant placement and total amount of fluoroscopy images were recorded by the assistant healthcare personnel.
It was found that 53% of the operative time was wasted for the use of the C-arm fluoroscopy device, the average number of fluoroscopy scans to obtain true anteroposterior and lateral images of a specific level was 10, and the guide wire could be placed in the desired position after– an average of 3.7 attempts.
We believe that C-arm fluoroscopy devices should be used by trained technical personnel, a common language of terms should be established between the surgeon and the X-ray technician and more practical imaging units should be improved in order to shorten the duration of surgery and to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.
Hip fracture, traction table, C arm fluoroscopy
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