Being able to relieve pain that occurs during delivery provides physical and emotional involvement of the mother in the birth and could reduce maternal and fetal undesirable effects. We planned this questionnaire study to evaluate the painless delivery approaches of physicians working in the fields of gynecological diseases and obstetrics.
A survey was made consisting of 10 questions about the painless delivery approaches with the gynecologists and obstetricians in Turkey. Ninety-eight physicians’ answers were evaluated.
It was observed that the painless birth in the clinics was not widespread, the low painless delivery options offered rate was low and the informing was inadequate in clinics throughout Turkey. In addition, it was concluded that physicians did not have a common idea to the effect on the action of delivery.
The role of gynecologists and obstetricians, as well as anesthesiologists, is great in spreading painless delivery practice. We also wanted to emphasize that informing the patient during pregnancy by the gynecologic diseases and obstetricians may reduce the rate of cesarean delivery due to the patient’s request.
Painless delivery, survey, normal delivery
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