A Retrospective Evaluation of Causes of Morbidity, and Mortality among Babies Delivered in the Haseki Training and Research Hospital Within the Three Years
Original Article
P: 161-165
September 2016

A Retrospective Evaluation of Causes of Morbidity, and Mortality among Babies Delivered in the Haseki Training and Research Hospital Within the Three Years

Med Bull Haseki 2016;54(3):161-165
1. Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Çocuk Hastalıkları Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 19.03.2016
Accepted Date: 20.03.2016



Our aim was to evaluate morbidity and mortality rates, and relevant effective factors among babies delivered in our hospital between January 2009 and December 2011.


We evaluated the neonatal care unit data on mortality and morbidity among babies delivered between January 1st 2009 and December 31st 2011, and analyzed epidemiological data of these babies born at gestational age of >22 weeks with a birth weight above 500 gr.


One thousand nine hundred five live babies and 32 stillbirths were delivered in the year 2011. Twelve babies died during early neonatal period. The rates of perinatal and early neonatal mortality, and stillbirth were found to be 2.27‰, 0.61‰, and 1.65‰, respectively. The causes of perinatal death were stillbirths (68.1%), congenital malformations (11.3%), prematurity-related factors (9%), and other etiologies (11.6%) in order of decreasing frequency.

The most frequent indications for hospitalizations were neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (35.3%), and suspected sepsis (13.4%), and other etiologies. Our median mortality rate among babies delivered before the 32nd weeks of gestation within three years was 14.5%.


Providing adequate antenatal care for pregnants, realization of deliveries under optimal conditions, and delivery of sufficient postnatal care will dramatically decrease neonatal mortality rates.